7 Steps to enable SQL Server Remote connections


Enable SQL Server Remote connections

 Enable SQL Server Remote connections
Step1: Open SQL Server Configuration Manager from: Windows Start Menu.
Step2: Change the startup mode for the SQLBrowser Service to be “Automatic

Step3: Enable TCP/IP protocol in SQL Server Network configuration
You can also enable named pipes protocol, but it’s not recommended for security reasons.
Step4: Make sure that TCP ports in all IP address are “1433”

Step5: Add firewall exceptions for the SQL Server
Most of times this file can be located at “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL<sql version no>MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Binn” as an example( “ C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Binn”).
Step6: it’s recommended to Add SQL Browser Service to the firewall exceptions
It can be found most of times in this path “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Shared” for 64 bit windows and “C:\Program Files Microsoft SQL Server\90\Shared” for 32 bit windows.
Step7: Restart the MSSQLServer service or restart the machine.

Enable SQL Authentication Mode and SA Login for SQL Server
Step1: open management studio and connect the installed server using your windows login, then right click the server and choose properties and finally choose SQL Mode Authentication
Step2: Enable SA Login, after login with management studio , navigate to security section, login , select “SA” , right click , choose properties and then status.
In the same window, go to general section and specify the required SA password


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